Porn Masturbation Girlfriends are special here. They get regular posts as well as regular masturbation.
Alyssa has already appeared in a posts here
as well as small tops, cunnilingus and three at masturbation goddess”
Meet alyssa
Alyssa II and
sex with Mandy.
All of these posts attest to my recent obsession with her.
Here first post as an official masturbation girlfriend is about Alyssa and her big boob girlfriends.

Four girls appearing from left to right in the order of their endowment. Alyssa on the right is clearly the flattest, and judging from that look on her face, she knows it.

No doubt Alyssa compared herself to the other girls when she showered.

Alyssa sticking her chest out to try to make herself appear bigger. The other gal is giving her a look that seems to say “I may not have much but compared to me you’re pathetic.”

If you’ve been masturbating and carefully examining the women so far you may have noticed that what Alyssa lacks in tits she makes up with her nice figure. But here’s a babe who comes in first in both categories.

Alyssa knows her place. Here she’s subservient to the big booby blond.

So how does she stack up?

I, for one, have a thing for flat-chested girls. I want Alyssa for my Porn Masturbation Girlfriend.

This girl’s going to get a lot of my cum!
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